Monday, July 21, 2014

Solemn Oath Foux du Fafa

Solemn Oath (Naperville, IL) Foux du Fafa Imperial Farmhouse IPA (10%)
Since today is Belgian independence day, I broke out my specialty Duvel glass, which features the artist Parra.

This beer has a very floral and citrusy nose, with a slight scent of sweet fruit esters from the yeast. It has a hazy wheat color with a decent head and good lacing. The body is medium to heavy, and its flavors are initially hoppy/bitter with lots of citrus notes, then fruity and malty. Foux du Fafa has a very dry and lingering bitter finish. I did enjoy drinking this beer, but the bitter, sweet, then bitter flavors grew slightly off-putting as I worked through my bomber. While it was a good beer, it was not the best thing Solemn Oath has done.