Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Shout out to 5 Rabbit

5 Rabbit started on shaky ground: they had a great concept with truly interesting ingredients that I thought would've made some good tasting products. But alas the end results often fell short, with a few exceptions. Vida y Muerte is one such example of a 5 Rabbit beer that I like. I've wanted to like 5 Rabbit, and I think Andrés Araya is a genuinely nice person based on one interaction with him several years ago at Hopleaf's release of Vida y Muerte. And Randy Mosher is, well, Randy Mosher. But they seem to have hit their stride after some internal turmoil last year. I've really enjoyed the Paletas series, Yodo con Leche, and their collaboration with Norway's Nøgne Ø, Naked Rabbit, is outstanding. But one of their standards, 5 Lizard, is darn near perfect this summer. It's currently on our tap lines, and several bartenders have been drinking it after work. With my curiosity aroused, I revisited 5 Lizard and was really impressed. The tartness is perfect in this wheat ale. Kudos to the team at 5 Lizard!